V Surname doctors

Victorino Menezes Trindade de Trovoada 醫生 Name Card


    Consultation Fee

    固定門診 Scheduled


    1st Consultation
    2nd Consultation
    $600 $600


    Consultation hours

    應診時間請與掛號處職員查詢 Please contact registration staff for schedule

    * :女 :男

    • 應診時間及診金如因特殊情況有所變動,上述資料將有機會未能及時更新。如欲查詢最新資訊或掛號,請致電 (853) 2882 1838。
    • 本地居民收費適用於持澳門居民身份證人士、在澳工作的外地僱員、以及持澳門地區發出之在讀學生證人士。
    • 如非上述類別人士,費用將以“非本地居民”類別計算。
    • Consultation schedule and consultation fee may be subject to adjustment due to unforeseeable factor. To enquire for most updated information or make an appointment, please call (853) 2882 1838.
    • Consultation fees for Residents are applicable to: Macau ID card holders, Non-resident Worker’s card holders, and students with valid local student cards.
    • Other patients outside the above categories are charged as “Non-local Resident”.

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